Welcome to our blog. Here we'll chat away about all the updates and exciting events that happen in the world of The House Meadow.

Please enjoy, and we welcome all your comments :)

Sunday, 24 April 2011

Just a little update

Sorry it's been so long since our last post.

We've been really busy with lots of viewings which is great, and little bits here and there have been occurring in the meadow itself. We're just waiting on some materials and then the rest of the pond edge will be completed and the entrance to The Meadow will begin to take shape.

Here are some piccies...

This is what will be the "Orchard" where the bride will make her entrance down the aisle walking through the adjoining Wild Flower Meadow  
This is a Tractor! It's got a Power Harrow(!) attached which basically hammers out all the lumpy bits of earth to make it walkable! But now the Power Harrow is broken so we need to mend it to make the ground Stiletto Safe!!!

Ripping all the dead wood out of the lake by The Orchard

GRASS! From our seeding extravaganza a couple of weeks ago

The Trees are starting to Green up

If the Bride and Groom are marrying in the Church this view is fabby for pics :)

The most exciting thing is that all the grass seed is springing into life and we're finially starting to get rid of the "mud look" which we'd adopted for so many months. We need to do lots more seeding but started in the woodland area. We're getting some more topsoil and then we'll seed everywhere else! It's actually quite a fun job. Since whining about all the rain a few months back now we're wishing we'd have some. We had to go and buy a sprinkler as our grass seed was just sitting there for days doing nothing. We've also had to pump water up to the trees as they were looking too dry too. If it's not one problem it's another - but still, WE ARE GETTING THERE!

We've got a photo shoot planned for 2nd May which all being well can take place in some of our newly green areas. We've got a Bridal Boutique on board as well as our Caterer friends at Home Gurr'own and of course Steve from Cap2ure photography.

Lastly, we have our fingers firmly crossed that we'll be able to provide some top notch structures for all 2012 weddings. Nothing more can be said at the moment as it's very early days, but cross your fingers. We are!

We'll keep you posted. Happy Easter :) xxx


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