Welcome to our blog. Here we'll chat away about all the updates and exciting events that happen in the world of The House Meadow.

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Saturday, 2 April 2011

Another productive weekend commences...

My poor big bro, he works all week long, the sun shines and then we get him to work all weekend too - but this weekend he's already had payment in fish and chips and cake! Surely that makes up for it?!

Today, he's been building bridges. We have now separated the two ponds with an earth bridge. Without being to boring and technical (I leave that to the men) we now have an earth bridge fully piped with wooden sides for a nice finish, plus, we really don't want it to wash away :) It's amazing the difference it makes, for one we can access the other side of the main lake without getting a welly full of mud and water, but it's really brought the "space" together (and not only is a physical sense). It needs a few finishing touches to say it's completed but you get the idea....

Whilst he was doing that we thought it'd be a bit rude to sit around a watch so we started sowing some grass seed in the "Woodland" area. It should have been easy, we had a proper "grass seeder" and everything, but the top soil is so lumpy and bumpy we scattered a lot of it by hand. When that area "greens up" it will look much better. I also had a go on the quad (yes, be scared), I actually did some good though and zoomed (kind of) up and down another area of top soil to try and remove some similar lumpy bumpy bits. It was actually quite good fun in a very strange way :o/

Last but not least this morning the lovely, mad hatter, Neil came along to plant some more Oak trees for us, this time along the hedge row of what will become the "Wild Flower Meadow". I'm pretty sure this area is going to fast become my favourite!

 So the plan for tomorrow? To clear the way for the next batch of tree's to be planted in the "Orchard/Brides Entrance".

We're getting there. Slowly, but surely!

P.S. Note to self, I must stop these late night blogs and get a life!

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