I know, I know, I know. We still need to replace the broken glass, paint the window frames, paint the roof, clear the front and add new grass BUT it is a huge improvement. I'm now going to try and dig out the photo of it before....
....all I have discovered is that I have A LOT of photos of my babies, hmmmm, I know there is a barn picture somewhere but at the moment I just can't find it.
Anyway, other things we have been doing lately. Weeding. Yuck, if I had to list things I HATE then stinging nettles and other such disgusting weeds come very close to the top. The horrid little idiots grow everywhere. Cue me and my super killing weed spray and DD (my step dadda, who we lovingly refer to as DD as a shortening of Darling Daddy Dookums, I don't know why but it stuck) and his shovel. Oh yes, they learnt a lesson, we will win, you're not liked so buzz off and inhabit someone else's home! Or, just buzz off full stop! So, hopefully once the spray has set in we will be starting to get rid of them. Horrah!
Also, DD has been getting great loads of fertiliser (please see previous post about the joys of living on a farm) and spreading it over all the areas left to be grass seeded. This in itself makes such a huge difference, the ground is so dry and clay like it looks like a desert when it's dry, so just seeing some brown out there is better and fingers crossed we can start seeding once its all been harrowed/rolled etc within the next month or so. Oh how I long to see more grass! Sad aren't I?!
Lastly we went to the Wealden Times Summer Fair last weekend for a little nosey at all the lovely stalls. I could have spent a small fortune but I restrained except for a couple of plants. I am a sucker for flowers but managed to be quite good and just picked up a corn flower, lupin and another little lovely called "Cherry on Ice" I have no idea what it is but it's really pretty. So we spent the last rainy Sunday in the garden raising up the neglected flower beds and then planting them. It's brightened up the garden already :) The roses in the garden are pretty lovely though so they are deffo staying put. I had a nice surprise on my last walk in the meadow when I saw some bright pink poppies on the island - I'm not sure my iphone shows it in great detail but they look so sweet!
Poppies on the Island |
Poppies on the Island |
Corn flower |
Lupin |
Cherries on Ice |
A happy note to end on is that my lovely Dalmatian Perdita has just given birth to 7 gorgeous puppies! We have 4 boys and 3 girls and they are the sweetest things ever. I can't wait for their Dally spots to come through - they are a cross breed with our collie and this is her second litter so we know how stunning they will be! Here's a pic just because I'm a proud Mummy!
Thats all for now. Nighty night xx