Well, it's a Saturday night. Naturally the only ideas swirling around in this big excuse of a brain are those of The House Meadow.
It's a really exciting time, so much is happening, yet due to all the snow and rain we are sadly behind in our plans. As soon as the ground is accessible the last of the groundworks will be done and at long last our planting schedule can get back on track.
At the moment we are busy writing out content for our website whilst the finishing touches to the design are being made. Ive seen some screen shots and it looks fabulous, a really great representation of who we are and what we're about! The content of the site has led me to look back at the gorgeous teepee tents that we saw back in the summer of 2010. I'm putting together some packages for the teepee's and I know, that if it were my wedding I'd definitely try and get my hands on them. They are just stunning, and in the gorgeous idyllic country setting that we find ourselves in, they'd look truly amazing. Anyway, more of that when the site is here!
I'm really keen to get working on our spring photo shoot too, again, so many ideas are floating around already. Our good photographer friend, Steve at cap2ure, will be with us again to inspire and create some brilliant photographic opportunities. I can't wait to work with all of my friends in the business....florists, caterers, venue decorators etc etc....I know that we'll create some superb shots, and eventually some amazing events.
It's exciting, I'm confident, I just hope the rain stays away!
Well, there it is, our first blog. It may be boring to you, but hey, I'm glad I've got it off my chest :) x